by admin | Aug 7, 2021 | History and Presence
It is said that knowledge is produced by the hands of authority. The same knowledge then becomes history. Going further into the future, the past knowledge, the history of the present, becomes the inscribed ‘way of the world’. Given our world where inscriptions on...
by admin | Jun 25, 2021 | History and Presence
We as a civilization rely on documentation for allotting significance to our present, and with much reverence we call our documented past, our history. We use it for rationing what surpasses its value and see the test of time by overcoming it. Hence, time...
by admin | Jun 4, 2021 | History and Presence
History is a perspective. Usually of one who holds agency in terms of economic and socio-political propositions, at the time of being written. It has always been a community whose societal designation allowed them to exclude women from all legacies. The dominant male...
by admin | Jun 4, 2021 | History and Presence
Democratizing a socio-political ground comes rooted with a right to dissent. It is the right to disagree with the present state of things and with the systems in power. The right to question and raise our voices against the patterns which are discriminatory holds a...
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